

'There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good'   
- Edwin Denby
Who am I...?

I am a London-based freelance dance writer, who wants to open up dance to everyone and anyone.

After launching The Insanity In Dancing, I was accepted as a young critic onto The Place’s Resolution! Review 2016, where I was mentored by the Guardian’s Lyndsey Winship, Graham Watts, Donald Hutera, Sanjoy Roy and Josephine Leask. From here, I have regularly published reviews, articles and interviews for dance artists including: Tavaziva Dance, BalletBoyz, Vincent Dance Theatre, Hagit Yakira, Shaun Dillon Dance, and Feet Off The Ground Dance, amongst others.

I am also a freelance contributor to The Wonderful World of Dance.

Other credits include: Bloom Festival 2017Kaleidoscopic Arts Festival 2017Resolution! Review 2016, Dance Film Festival UK, Footprint Dance Festival 2015.

If you are a dance artist, production company or theatre interested in having an interview, article or review published on The Insanity In Dancing, please get in touch at

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